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Descriptive statistics

You have to refer to this web page if you use this information elsewhere. Exactly how you refer to this page depends on your situation (or the journal you are submitting to). An example might be:
Ronny Gunnarsson. "Descriptive statistics" [on INFOVOICE.SE]. Available on: https://infovoice.se/descriptive-statistics/. Information was retrieved March 28, 2025.
Suggested pre-reading What this web page adds
  1. Introduction to statistics
  2. Observations and variables
This web-page provides a brief overview of descriptive statistics with links to more specific information.

Descriptive statistics try to organize and summarize your observations. It aim to describe your observations by type of distribution using numbers, tables or graphs. The reader of your report / publication will use this information to understand what kind of observations / animals / people were included in your study. Are these observations representative for the reader’s situation? Ultimately your descriptive statistics provides hints to where your results are applicable. Read more here:

You have to refer to this web page if you use this information elsewhere. Exactly how you refer to this page depends on your situation (or the journal you are submitting to). An example might be:
Ronny Gunnarsson. "Descriptive statistics" [on INFOVOICE.SE]. Available on: https://infovoice.se/descriptive-statistics/. Information was retrieved March 28, 2025.

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