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Grounded theory

You have to refer to this web page if you use this information elsewhere. Exactly how you refer to this page depends on your situation (or the journal you are submitting to). An example might be:
Ronny Gunnarsson. "Grounded theory" [on INFOVOICE.SE]. Available on: https://infovoice.se/grounded-theory/. Information was retrieved October 22, 2024.
Suggested pre-reading What this web page adds
  1. Introduction to qualitative methods
This web-page describes grounded theory and its different versions. Reading this will facilitate your understanding when reading publications based on grounded theory.


he empirical-atomistic research approach often first forms a hypothesis (= not yet tested theory) which is then being tested. The hypothesis is a theoretical construction based on previous research and new ideas. The purpose of grounded theory is to do the opposite, that is, creating new theories purely based on observation of the reality you unconditionally explore. Hence, in grounded theory there is no prior hypothesis to test. Grounded theory originated in sociology and hence focus on what happens in relations between people. Grounded theory is an empirical-holistic approach which describes step by step how to create new hypotheses based on observations. Grounded theory is the qualitative research approach that is closest to the empirical-atomistic approaches.

In the early 1960s sociological research were characterized by a construction of hypotheses and theories without any empirical basis. Barney Glaser, a statistician at Columbia University, was critical and called this “ground-less theory”. In the mid 1960s, Glaser is working with Anselm Strauss, a researcher in qualitative methods at the University of Chicago. Together they did a project on problems around dying and published their results 1967 in the book Awareness of Dying. During this project they develop a new method to analyse their observations and published this in 1967 in the book The Discovery of Grounded Theory. Their main idea was that any new theory must be based on collected data, not on any predetermined theory.

Please have a look at this introduction to grounded theory presented by dr Gerben Moerman:

Grounded theory gained in importance in areas such as public health and nursing research during the 1980s and 1990s.  Grounded theory did not develop new concepts within philosophy of science like philosophers within the life -world concept did.

Grounded theory is a practical methodology initially less anchored in philosophy than phenomenology or life-world hermeneutics. Later grounded theory developed some similarities to life-world hermeneutics in that it states that grounded theory does not develop “objective theories” but rather that theories developed are a construct of the researchers preconceptions in interaction with informants.

Different versions

In 1987 Strauss published Qualitative analysis for social scientists and it became obvious that Glaser and Strauss had developed different interpretations on how to apply grounded theory. This divergence still exists. Grounded theory has since evolved and split up in different versions.

Please have a look at this description of some of the different versions of grounded theory presented by dr Gerben Moerman:

The Glaserian method

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The Strauss and Corbin’s approach

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Constructivist grounded theory

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Critical realist grounded theory

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Useful links


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You have to refer to this web page if you use this information elsewhere. Exactly how you refer to this page depends on your situation (or the journal you are submitting to). An example might be:
Ronny Gunnarsson. "Grounded theory" [on INFOVOICE.SE]. Available on: https://infovoice.se/grounded-theory/. Information was retrieved October 22, 2024.

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