You have to refer to this web page if you use this information elsewhere. Exactly how you refer to this page depends on your situation (or the journal you are submitting to). An example might be:
Ronny Gunnarsson. "Coding and analysing qualitative data" [on INFOVOICE.SE]. Available on: Information was retrieved March 28, 2025.
Ronny Gunnarsson. "Coding and analysing qualitative data" [on INFOVOICE.SE]. Available on: Information was retrieved March 28, 2025.
Suggested pre-reading | What this web page adds |
All empirical-holistic (qualitative) approaches code their data into units of meaning or codes. These codes are often grouped to create categories. These categories may be further grouped and linked to create overarching themes or theories. This page aim to provide you with a basic understanding of the process of creating codes and categories./td> |
(Denna webbsida är under konstruktion. Vi beklagar olägenheten.)
Useful links
- Beginners step-by-step guide to analysing qualitative data (video)
- Coding qualitative data
- Coding qualitative data in Grounded theory
- In vivo coding
(Detta avsnitt är under konstruktion. Vi beklagar olägenheten.)
You have to refer to this web page if you use this information elsewhere. Exactly how you refer to this page depends on your situation (or the journal you are submitting to). An example might be:
Ronny Gunnarsson. "Coding and analysing qualitative data" [on INFOVOICE.SE]. Available on: Information was retrieved March 28, 2025.
Ronny Gunnarsson. "Coding and analysing qualitative data" [on INFOVOICE.SE]. Available on: Information was retrieved March 28, 2025.